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Background of the Study

Man from time immemorial has been governed or ruled by his

different culture which include habit acquired by man as a member of

the society there were cultures that had negative impact due to

ignorance on the part of the natives. The killing of twins in the old

Calabar region of Nigeria the killing of the 7th child among the people of

Goga in Borno state because it is believed that such a child is said to

bring some bad luck to the family. Those cultural acts varies from

society to society some of these cultural practices include the female

genital mutilation (GGM) several varieties of the females genital

mutilation were carried out Europe in the past although evidence

indicate such operations were not common only one group is known

the christian “SKOPIZY” set in Russia which practice excision and

infibulations as a matter of ratio. Infibulations is by inserting one or

more rings through the labia a rare technique has been recorded of

slave in ancient Rome. The term infibulations actually was derived from

Latin fibula or “clasp” means inserting a ring has also been

documented from time to time beginning in the middle ages and until

as recently as “1990s” in many areas of Europe. During the 19th century

there were gynaecological figure who perform clitoridectomy for

allegedly medical reasons as a care for Amphomania. This female

circumcision is usually done by the non-professional its usually done at

home by the old women and the procedure usually is not sterile and this

leads to a lot of complications which claims the lives of the girl-child.

The procedure properly it’s the surgical removal of the female genital

(clitoris) of the vagina according to the practice in other to drive sexual

pleasure in the lady or girl child. After the procedure the so called

surgeon now uses certain herbs and some mixture of concussion to

apply on the opened wound not even minding whether the cutting of the

clitoris have affected the organs like veins and arteries around which are

the major blood supply to the organ in the affected area so the

application of the mixture of herbs and concussion leads to septaceamia

bleeding which is the major complication anaemia also and they finally

end up in hospitals or even dying.

The girl is hold down by three (3) or four (4) women depending on

the strength of the client to prevent struggling since no pain receiver is

administered before the operation is being carried out the surgeon uses

various types of unsterilized instruments which includes special knives

scissors scalps pieces of glass or razor blades. During the procedure

there may also be un-intended damage due to the use of crude tools

poor light and septic conditions arises which includes bleeding

intensive perineal lacerations and damage to the urethra and urinary

bladders. Infections like tetanus transmission of HIV/AIDS may also

occur especially during group or multiple circumcisions since the

instruments are not sterilize.

Female genital mutilation has been classified into four major

categories viz:

● Type I – its being referred to as “sunna”

● Type II – it’s the clitodectomy

● Type III – it’s the infibulations

● Type IV – it’s the unclassified (Anguriya Gistrin cut ya nkan gishin).

It’s still not known when or where the tradition of female genital

mutilation (FGM) was originated the practice is been preserved by

women who are predominantly living in a rural area beliefs in this

tradition without understanding all its consequences. This practice of

female genital mutilation (FGM) is widespread in Nigeria covering

practically every state of the federation though in varying magnitude

from infancy to adulthood.

The commonest type of female genital mutilation practiced in

Balanga local government area is the type one (I) and two (II).

Infibulation type is the most extreme of female genital mutilation.

Women who undergo the most severe form of female genital mutilation

are likely to suffer serious medical complications that will lead to

requiring life medical attention throughout their life which usually leads

also to physical and psycho-social stress on the riding. Some of these

known immediate complications resulting from female genital mutilation

includes: Haemorrhage anaemia shock inquiry to adjacent vital

tissues infertility VVF obstructed labour prolonged labour HIV

transmission and kheloid formation. As a result of the negative effects

of female genital mutilation the federal government of Nigeria and

World Health Organization (WHO) carried out a campaign against female

genital mutilation in the year 2009. Despite the efforts of this campaign

the researcher discover that female genital mutilation is still being

practiced in Balanga local government area of Gombe state which is a

major reason for this research work.

Statement of the Problem

Female genital mutilation is a serious problem affecting the lives of

more than hundred (100) girl and women in Balanga local government

of Gombe state of Nigeria. Despite the concern of the World Health

Organization (WHO) the federal government and the state government

to abolish this practice about thousands of women and young girls still

stand the risk of being mutilated or risk factors of infection every year.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) victims in Balanga local government

area end-up with serious complications like bleeding anaemia

sepcaemia and tetanus it has been the prevailing problem in this area in

a month about 7-10 cases are always recorded in the hospitals for

proper or expert management. Death cases are sometimes recorded

and some still suffering with complications in hospitals and clinics in the


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to find out the attitudes of parents in

Balanga local government area on female genital mutilation (FGM). The

study will specifically achieve the following objectives:

1) To find out whether parent is Balanga local government are aware

of the dangers of female genital mutilation (FGM).

2) To find out ways parents can change their attitudes towards

female genital mutilation (FGM) in Balanga local government area.

3) To suggest ways parents can be more enlighten on the dangers of

female genital mutilation in Balanga local government area of

Gombe state.

Significance of the Study

The study is hoped to be of great benefit and importance to the

girl-child parents and organization concerned in Balanga local

government. the result of this study helps the girl-child in such a way

that it will reduce the incidence of complications and some of the

related adverse effect of female genital mutilation (FGM) since they are

the victims of this practice it will also save them from future damage

and complications.

On the parents the study is hoped to educate the parents on the

dangers of female genital mutilation (FGM) and that many eradicate the

practice in the local government. This will in turn reduce some of the

financial and many stress parents experience due to the outcome of

female genital mutilation (FGM). This study will help after the

completion of this study it is hoped that organization involved in the

prevention of this practice will identify areas of weakness in their

campaign against female genital mutilation (FGM) and think of ways of

improving the situation.

Research Questions

This study will answer the following questions:

1) To what extent do parent in Balanga local government area agree

that they are aware of the dangers of female genital mutilation?

2) How can the attitudes of parents in Balanga local government be

changed towards female genital mutilation?

3) What ways can parents be more enlighten on the dangers of

female genital mutilation in Balanga local government area?

Scope of the Study

This study will be concerned with the attitude of parents in

Balanga local government area of Gombe state towards female genital

mutilation (FGM). Other factors such as the attitudes of the girl-child

and other members of the community will not be concern of this study.

the study will specifically find out whether parents in Balanga local

government area are aware of the dangers of female genital mutilation

and the way toward in to suggest ways parents can be more enlightened

on the dangers of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Balanga local

government area of Gombe state.

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    national diploma (nd)

Additionnal content

Table of content
Cover page

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